Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reflection #2

Blackboard is quite possibly the best webtool I have ever seen! It is easy to access, user-friendly, and a great way to keep all files and communications in one place.

The class activity was a great way to explore the different Blackboard features with a partner. I felt frustrated that my laptop has difficulty accessing Wimba, chats and even downloading some of the files from the Blackboard portal. Also, my school and set work schedule does make it difficult to attend the capstone presentations at Stockton campus with my cohort. Yet, I was pleased to learn that it will be able to review these presentations when they are posted online.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reflection 1

First class meeting went well. I thoroughly enjoyed the personal survey, and the partnered activity where we were encouraged to introduce ourselves but without words was a great icebreaker. In hindsight, it's interesting to note how much we rely on words-words-words when a picture and music can be a more effective means of communication.

Rita and I opperate on the DON'T PANIC philosophy.Our glogster project went down, I had to be reassembled in under fifteen minutes but in spite of that it Rita and my presentation went off smashingly. Definately, I learned a few new things about our cohort!

Additionally, I shared a creative solution for capturing Wordle. Since Wordle can be notoriously difficult to tame, my solution was to screencapture the image, paste/edit the capture on Microsoft Word, then copy that image, open and paste a new Microsoft Paint, saved the file as a .jpg. Afterwards, I loaded the .jpg saves I uploaded the image to feature in Glogster.

However, the surge of new concepts, looming deadlines, and proposed contracts, has left me feeling completely overwhelmed and uncertain, but I am hopeful this is the first day jitters.